Click-and-Drag to warp face of your friends or family. Take a photo or load a picture from SD card; Warp the face or image, save and email to your friends. The 15 auto warp feature (big head, fat face, etc) is only applicable once find a single face on your photo. Have Fun! You don't like it,your kids will be! New version add the vote functionality, so you can vote your favorite funny face. Come and see all the funny face rank! v1.4 add touch screen! Enjoy.

To Mobile:

On your mobile phone browser go to http://GETFREE.CC and enter this download code: 5390

The best version of this free mobile game, FunnyFace, will be presented to you, and you will be asked if you wish to install it to your phone. Answer yes to each question. FunnyFace will then be installed on your phone. The installation is done "over the air" (OTA). Your phone company may charge you a small download fee (data charges). This is based upon your data plan; none of that money goes to us. FunnyFace is now ready to play!

You can learn more at our WAP installation forum.

To PC:

Installation files for Nokia 701:

(Not your phone? Click here.)

Transfer FunnyFace from your computer to your phone via data cable or wireless (WIFI or Bluetooth). See your phone manual for details.

For more information, see our PC installation forum.