Dragon Ball Z: Sagas is a 3D adventure game developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Atari, based on the anime Dragon Ball Z. It is the first and only Dragon Ball Z game to be released across all sixth generation consoles, the first Dragon Ball Z console game to be developed by a non-Japanese developer (American in this case), and the first Dragon Ball Z game to be released on a non-Japanese console, the Xbox. It also ended up being the only Dragon Ball Z to be released on the Xbox, while the Japanese machines (mainly PlayStation 2) continued to get a steady stream of Dragon Ball related games, all of which are still made by Japanese developers. The game focuses on the Cell Games and The Androids. Hopefully, those same fans are ready for yet another rendition of the same Dragon Ball Z stories, starting with Raditz and ending with the Cell Games. These stories have been done to death, but this particular retelling is especially limp, relying on 30-second montages cut together from the DBZ cartoon to relay a whole season's worth of story. The last episode of Dragon Ball Z was aired in Japan almost a decade ago, and even most American Dragon Ball fans have moved on to Dragon Ball GT. It's time that Atari did the same. DBZ Sagas is a MUGEN fighting game including DB, Z and GT characters from the dragon ball universe. this includes the best dragon ball characters and stages all in one Exciting game! The Excellent screen pack was made by Alien
Cheat Mode
At the options screen, press Up, Down, Up, Down, A, Start, X, Start, Y, A, Y, A, X(2), B to unlock all bonuses.

1.5 GHz
128 Mb videocard
512 Mb RAM
128 Mb videocard
512 Mb RAM