Now the success of your last dinosaur theme park design and management by Dr. John Hammond's dream to have the opportunity to complete. Jurassic Park: Operation now in life most amazing theme park the world has ever seen allows to create. With 3D action and sim elements of this operation gives birth in a two-player games. Either build your own dinosaur theme park or 12 action-packed missions that will test your gaming skills really are busy. Jurassic Park, Welcome to the way you want.
Amusement park simulations are among the best-selling games on the PC market today. Their popularity should come as no surprise, because these simulations can appeal to such a broad audience--men, women, and children alike. What is surprising is that almost all games based on the Jurassic Park license to date have been action games, while the premise of the original movie was the creation of the world's greatest zoological park. Universal Interactive has finally taken the logical step with Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, a strategy game that lets players create and manage a dinosaur zoo. Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis is an enjoyable game that should appeal to dinosaur buffs and park simulation fans alike, thanks to its attractive graphics engine, unique features, and surprising gameplay depth.
The game allows a very wide field of view.
Operation Genesis' 3D graphics engine does an excellent job of rendering the lush terrain of a tropical island. The dinosaur models are very detailed, allowing players who have even a passing knowledge of paleontology to immediately spot the differences between similar-looking dinosaurs such as the brachiosaurus and the camarasaurus (also known as the brontosaurus). The models are also scaled accurately--small velociraptors are dwarfed by the much larger tyrannosaurs, for instance. Weather effects like rain, wind, lightning, and tornadoes add to the overall effect. The engine lets you rotate your view in any direction and also has a wide range of zoom, so you can get in close to examine individual dinosaurs, or get a much wider view to manage your park comfortably. Though Operation Genesis also has special effects like reflective water, we found that the game had a tendency to lock up with the more advanced graphics settings turned on. Fortunately, the game still looks good even at a medium level of detail, though the game's dinosaur animations still aren't particularly smooth.
Operation Genesis sounds almost as good as it looks. Each of the game's dinosaurs lets out different types of noises, depending on whether it's playing, hunting, sick, or frightened. Your park advisors provide some audio cues, and they even visually resemble the actors from the original movie (though their voices are provided by stand-ins). The in-game music is the very same score written by John Williams for the original Jurassic Park film. Williams' songs do contribute to the game's atmosphere, but die-hard fans of Mr. Williams' music may be disappointed to find that the game doesn't use CD-quality recordings of the tracks.
Operation Genesis' interface is probably its weakest aspect. The game's mouse control is imprecise, so you'll sometimes click on the wrong button. Also, the game provides no way to cycle between the different dinosaurs in your zoo, which can make trying to keep track of them more annoying than it should be.
Picking out larger dinosaurs is easy because they're so large, but some of the smaller ones like velociraptors can be hard to spot from a zoomed-out view. Thankfully, you can see the location of all your dinosaurs on the game's minimap, but the game probably could've benefited from a "cycle to next dinosaur" button. The game's interface also has no quick buttons to bring up your park map, so if you spend most of your time controlling the game with your mouse, you'll have to reach back to your keyboard and hit the Tab key to bring up this important screen.
Cheats Mode:
Do not select anything before entering one of the following codes. The codes will not work with an item selected.
orrlyn urcenvm yb, riyand JPFREAK.
Where's The Money?:
Press L + R, Down during game play. Your finances will be reduced to zero. Alternately, press L, R, L, R, Down(2) during game play.
Gimme Some Money:
Press L + Up, L + Down during game play. $10,000 will be added to your total finances.
Gimme Lots Of Money:
Press L, Right(2), L, R, Down during game play. $250,000 will be added to your total finances.
Market Day:
Press L + R + Down, L + R + Down during game play. The market will now be instantly restocked with fossils. Alternately, press Down, L, R, Down during game play.
Open To The Public:
Press Left, Down, Right, Up, L + R, L + R during game play. You can now select your three digsites without the required stars.
Seal Of Approval:
Press Right, L, Up, L(2), Down during game play. Your park rating will increase by one star.
Three Stars:
Press L, R, Down(2), L, Right during game play. Your park will have a three star rating.
Guaranteed Immunity:
Hold L + R and repeatedly tap Up during game play. Dinosaurs will no longer get sick.
In the PAL version of the game, press Up(2), R, L, Up(2) during game play.
Alternately, enable the "All Research" code, or research the following: all vaccines, glowing egg.
Plague Outbreak:
Press Down, Up, Down, Left, R(3) during game play. Your dinosaurs will become diseased.
Rampage Time:
Press L(3), Left(3) during game play. All carnivores will become stressed.
Pax Jurassicus:
Press L, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, L during game play. Rampages will no longer occur.
Hold L + R and repeatedly tap Up, Down, Up, Down during game play. One of your safari cars will blow up. Alternately, press R, L, Up, Down, Up, Down during game play.

PII 400, 128MB RAM, 16MB Video Card, 650MB HDD Space