ü Genre: First-Person Shooter
ü Publisher: ValuSoft
ü Developer: Trainwreck Studios
CIA Operative: Solo Missions is a Shooting Game. CIA Operative: Solo Missions Developers is Trainwreck Studios. CIA Operative: Solo Missions Published By ValuSoft. CIA Operative: Solo Missions Release in North America on May 4, 2001. CIA Operative: Solo Missions Platform is PC. Single player Mode in CIA Operative: Solo Missions. In This Game Where you play as CIA gunman Jack Noel and track down terrorist.In This Game Lot of Action. After You Play The Game Every Mission make story. CIA Operative: Solo Missions is a Shooting Block Buster Game. CIA Operative: Solo Missions graphic 7 Sound are wonderful. This Game Graphics is Very Higher. CIA Operative: Solo Missions is like those games including the Delta Force, Americas Army: Special Forces, Quake 3 arena, Control Monger, D-Day Normandy,Cube, Digital Paint: Paintball 2.0, F.E.A.R. Combat, Dispatch of Army, GunZ The Duel, Kuma\War ,Nexuiz , Realm Wars, Open Arena, Tremulous, Urban Terror, TrueCombat: Elite, War Rock, Warsow, World of Padman & Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. This Game Graphics is Very Clear. This Game Best For your Computers.
ü Mission sites include: Iraq, Bogota, Moscow and more
ü Target individual body parts realistic damage
ü Action evolves in response to player choices
ü Extensive strategy required
ü Richy detailed and interactive levels.