After Data East became defunct due to their bankruptcy back in 2003, G-Mode bought the intellectual rights to the arcade game as well as most other Data East games and licenses them globally.
In this game, Player One is Johnny having blond hair and Player Two is Tom wearing cowboy hat will begin in a mistakenly-named location: Madrid, Spain in one of the Americas actually held in Europe). Johnny and Tom have been armed with yo-yos to hit enemies and treasure chests to search for better weapons like throwing stars weapon, icicle daggers weapon and guided missles weapon which hit at enemy by targeting itself. They can also perform slide tackles and use special extreme attacks that defeats every minor enemy and special exteme attacks are limited but they can seriously damages bosses on screen. In addition to this arts, they can also sprint charge their normal yo-yo attack by holding down the button until charged; however the spirit charge isn't very effective in comparison to the regular shot.

OS Windows XP SP2/Vista/7
CPU 1.0GHz